Starting a horeca establishment in the Netherlands

To start your own horeca establishment, there are a few requirements. The exact requirements depend on the type of company. Are you planning on serving alcohol? Will food be served in your establishment or not? Below we have pointed out the laws which apply for the hospitality industry. Here is also stated which are the suitable trainings or courses to comply with the law.

Licensing and Catering Act 
(Dutch law: Drank- en Horecawet)

When you are working in the hospitality industry in The Netherlands and serve alcohol to guests, you will need to comply with the Licensing and Catering Act (which is called in Dutch: 'Drank- en Horeca wet'). This law complies also to liquor stores, where alcohol is sold to customers. According the law there must be at least 1 employee present during opening hours and this person should be in the possession of the 'SVH Certificate Social Responsibility' (in Dutch: 'SVH Diploma Sociale Hygiëne'). Furthermore, the entrepreneur  and/or all business associates are obligated to have this SVH Certificate. 

Get your SVH Certificate in 1 day 

Commodities Act
(Dutch law: Warenwet)

This law complies to entrepreneurs, supervisors and employees working in the hospitality industry or in the catering business, who are preparing or serving food and beverages. All must be aware of the rules concerning food safety en food hygiene; even while working in any other organisation like community centres, health care institutions or sports clubs. The guidelines for food safety are written down in the 'Code of Hygiene'. This Code of Hygiene is approved by the NVWA (Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority). Every organisation that prepares and / or sells food must work according to a HACCP plan or an approved Code of Hygiene. One of the requirements is that every employee has followed a training or had an instruction in the area of ​​food safety. Following this one-day HACCP Course is therefore an ideal way to quickly comply with this legal requirement!

More information HACCP Course

Commodities Act rules and legislation Allergens
(Dutch law: Warenwet & Allergenenwetgeving)

If you serve (unwrapped) dishes in your establishment, since 2014 you need to cope with the law regarding allergens. This is a European legislation which states that you must be able to inform your guests about the possible allergens present in the dishes. This means that if your guest asks you about the allergens in a dish, you should be able to provide this guest with all the required information. By participating one the Allergens Training you will be taught how to set up an allergens management and you will learn how to answer questions from guests. Note that we offer this training only in Dutch. 

Working Conditions Law
(Dutch law: Arbowet)

It is mandatory for every entrepreneur to point out one or multiple first aid providers in your organisation. At small companies the owner can be the first aid provider himself. The law does not state exactly how to arrange this, but the entrepreneur must take the risks and surface of the company into consideration. 

More information BHV Course

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