Gratis account

Vraag 1:

A group of noisy guests are staying in a company in hotel and catering industry. The owner decides to call these guests to account for their behaviour. Why does the owner decide to do this? 

Vraag 2:

What is the first step when you want to convert obstructive behaviour into cooperative behaviour?

Vraag 3:

What does Social Responsibility mean? 

Vraag 4:

Which of the below has a stimulating effect? 

Vraag 5:

What’s an example of A2-behaviour?

Vraag 6:

A manager wants to refuse entry to a guest who already has a refusal for his establishment. Which discussion model should he use? 

Vraag 7:

What should a company first aider (BHV’er) be able to do?  

Vraag 8:

How should barkeepers treat a guest who is addicted to alcohol? 

Vraag 9:

An 18-year-old guest orders a beer with the bar man and also asks for permission to play on the fruit machine. What should the barman allow? 

Vraag 10:

Which laws/acts are related to soft drugs?  

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